Friday was a blast! We danced into my 20th year in a church turned nightclub, I got a birthdaysong in dutch (Vera and her friends), and we had a good time.
Yesterday we slept in, hung out in the Vondel park, ate amazing amounts of fruits and played cards. In the evening we met Sarah, saw the red light district, and went out.
We also got to teach Sarah some norwegian, (ja, nei, takk, hvordan gaar det?)
I also said goodbye to Kirsti and Ming Kit, who went straight on the plane after the party.
Haha, I slept like a horse, hope you guys did as well :)
Had a great time!
Thanks to everybody for birthday messages!
Today im going to meet Sarah and her friends again, and watch som music, because there is a music festival here right now. And tomorrow I am meeting Aslak in Utrecht.
I am also going to .. Warsawa tomorrow. I decided to go there instead of Germany because its cheaper. Yeah. And Kirsti gave me a book called "a year of adventures" where there is things to do for each day of the year. In it I found rafting in slovenia, so I might do that. We'll see.