onsdag 3. september 2008


Last days:

Spent Sunday with Sarah and Saskia, playing cards and listenig to music, very relaxed and very nice.
Monday I went to meet Aslak in Utrecht, drank a lot of coffee, and got a bit jealous of lucky Aslak studying in a really nice town! Funny meeting him in Holland of all places!
After Utrecht I went straight on a train to Warsawa, and that was 17 hours almost without sleep, as I had a really good book, (the book thief) and a snoring guy beside me.

Warsawa has been fun, met an american last night and went out, very enjoyable, and today I have been walking in the old town, that was totally rebuilt after ww2.
Tomorrow im checking out some museums, and then going to Krakow!
Im starting to get in to the whole interail thing, and im quite enjoying myself!
(Miss everybody at home though!)

3 kommentarer:

Ardarik sa...

Utrecht er en helt herlig by - iallfall så langt! Det var hyggelig at du kom innom en tur her også :D


Henning sa...

Da jeg har vært så elskverdig å plassere linken til bloggen din mellom to linker til kvinnelige fribrytere synes jeg at du kan linke til bloggen min også.
er du hjemme til 12 sept og sånn gratispremiere på Wanted?

Markus sa...

Haha, skal se hva jeg klarer, er litt ustodig pa det her:P Og nei, desverre! Ma se den i det store utland pa tjekkisk eller noe jeg da:P